Cloud Financials for Your Super Controller

Cloud Financials

Learn how top controllers use Intacct to save time on basic reporting tasks, allowing them to spend more time on strategic analysis.

Intacct Cloud Financials

More controllers are choosing Intacct for its myriad of benefits:  convenience, accessibility and the ability to consolidate data and see everything in one place.  With Intacct’s cloud financials, today’s controller is no longer relegated to an office from which to manage a general ledger. Intacct’s cloud financials provides a safe and secure connection for controllers to review cross-company data and complete reports in a fraction of the time, from virtually anywhere.

Controllers will have more time to create new avenues and inroads for future growth for their company.  Intacct’s dashboard allows the new “Super Controller” to see and access everything, from balance sheets to profit/loss reports, and they’re just getting started.

Want to create your own Super Controller? Please contact Alta Vista Technology, we are 100% committed to serving the needs of professionals like you.