The Top 3 Ways Cloud ERP Can Transform Your Nonprofit

Accounting for a nonprofit organization can present several daily challenges. From consolidating multiple entities to compliance and auditing, your financials can get a little frustrating. But you already know this because you deal with it every day. What if you could lighten your load? Take some things off your plate and automate a lot of your day to day operations? This is all possible with a simple switch to a cloud accounting platform. Let me lay out top 3 reasons nonprofit accounting software should always be cloud first.

Be More Accurate

Believe it or not, most people don’t understand how a nonprofit organization functions. A nonprofit essentially works like a for-profit company with different parameters. Where a for-profit would track things like products, locations, and companies, nonprofits track donors, programs, and geography. Tracking these, like in any other business, can be very tricky when you use several spreadsheets over different locations. You may even find yourself saving documents in different locations and having trouble recalling them when needed. None of this is helping you

When you move away from quick accounting programs and relying on Excel and move to a single program that handles everything, you can be better at what matters most, tracking and analysis. With one centralized system, you can create tighter controls and predict trends much more easily than before. You can prevent unexpected errors caused by incorrect entries and see the data that you want when you want it.

Visibility like Never Before

Do you often worry about the transparency of your nonprofit? The requirements for the financial transparency of any nonprofit organization are very strict and are tightening by the day. Donors and sponsors are probably not too pleased when you lay 10 spreadsheets in front of them to play connect the dots with.

Throw those sheets in the trash. With a Cloud ERP program like Sage Intacct, you can create custom dashboards to report the data that is necessary, in a way that is visually appealing and easy to understand. Being able to recall specific data at a moment’s notice is essential when handling your financials. By having all your data in one place, ready to go, you create an environment of unprecedented visibility and unequaled accessibility.

Scalable on Demand

Money can be tight for nonprofit organizations. You want to make sure everything you are investing in is worth it. With your on-premise systems, old and filing hardware can be costly. The cost gets even higher when you add employees or your system updates requiring you to purchase additional hardware to support it. Not to mention the IT required to install your new hardware or configure your system.

With a cloud-based subscription service, the scalability is endless. Add users and power when you need them and remove them when you are done. Your service is hosted off-site saving you money on both hardware and IT maintenance. Crunch time drops drastically and the panic to close is diminished. Stay secure and always have room to grow, no matter what.

Making the Switch

The task may seem daunting but there is plenty of help. You don’t have to jump in feet first without guidance and that’s where we come in. At Alta Vista Technology we have over 250 years of combined experience and want to help you succeed. Let us evaluate your needs and craft a solution that perfectly matches your current situation. Give us a call at 855-913-3228 or drop by our contact page and leave us a message. Don’t let your accounting run your business. It’s time you take control and own your accounting!